
May 11, 2020

Business Interruption Claims for Hurricane Damage and Other Disasters

The fragility of many small to medium sized businesses is one of the many economic realities that has been brought to the forefront of the national discussion by the Coronavirus Pandemic. Restaurants, for example, are in most cases relatively low margin businesses. The revenue they generate one week will pay for supplies the next […]
April 15, 2020

How Long Did It Take to Cleanup After Hurricane IRMA? How Much Did It Cost?

April 14, 2020

Tips For Sheltering in Place During a Hurricane

April 14, 2020

The Most Hurricane Prone Places in Florida

March 31, 2020

How The National Hurricane Center forecasts and Tracks Hurricanes

March 30, 2020

Hurricane Damage Inspection Checklist

March 27, 2020

What Are the Most Wind-Resistant Building Materials?

We all know the fable about the three little pigs and their houses of straw, sticks and bricks. When the big bad wolf came, only the house of bricks remained standing. The lesson of the fable is one that Floridians can take literally. Instead of a big bad wolf we’ve got hurricanes – which […]
March 27, 2020

Can You Build a Hurricane-Proof Home?

It depends on who you ask. There are some home developers and builders who claim their homes stand up far better to hurricanes than the average Florida home. They usually stop short of claiming their homes are “hurricane proof,” likely for liability reasons, but they do advertise them as “Hurricane Resistant.” Deltec Homes and […]
March 27, 2020

What’s the Difference Between a Hurricane, Typhoon and Tropical Cyclone?