Hurricane Resource

September 9, 2022
Animal risks after hurricanes

Animal Risks After a Hurricane in Florida

The Atlantic hurricane season, which affects Florida from approximately June 1 to November 30 can wreak havoc on many coastal and inland communities. There are many dangers associated with hurricanes, such as strong winds, storm surge flooding and tornadoes, that can claim lives and destroy property. Post-hurricane media attention tends to focus on the […]
July 27, 2022
tree on house after hurricane

Five Common Types of Property Damage After a Hurricane

Every year, Floridians are faced with the frightening reality of hurricane season starting June 1 and lasting through November 30 (and sometimes even later). Weather disasters can take a toll on communities and disrupt the livelihood of residents, businesses and public facilities.
September 29, 2021
how hurricanes affect the oil companies in the gulf coast

How Hurricanes Affect Oil, Gas and Energy Production in the Gulf of Mexico

When a hurricane makes landfall in Florida the media generally focuses, and rightly so, on the human toll. People lose homes, businesses and in some cases even loved ones and neighbors. The human tragedies that follow in the wake of devastating Florida hurricanes aren’t the only repercussions of these vicious storms. There are also […]
June 9, 2021
difference between a hurricane and tornado

What’s the Difference Between Hurricanes and Tornados?

Hurricanes form over the water and can be hundreds of miles wide while tornados usually form over the land and are rarely more than a quarter mile wide. A tornado might only last a few minutes, while hurricanes can persist for weeks. A hurricane can strengthen and weaken multiple times throughout its life cycle. […]
March 16, 2021
car flood damage

Can You Fix a Car After It Has Suffered Flood Damage?

A car can be fixed after suffering flood damage, but the damage may be tough for the average vehicle owner to repair without the assistance of trained mechanics. There’s also a chance serious flooding will result in a car being totaled by your insurance company; in which case you will probably just need to […]
March 15, 2021
Building codes to help during hurricane season

Building Codes and Techniques That Reduce Hurricane Damage

Florida building codes have underwent some major changes over the past twenty years. For example, if any home or business is built within a mile of the “coastal mean high-water line” (MHWL) and is subjected to 110 mph wind speeds during hurricanes, it must comply with a specific set of building codes. There are […]
November 10, 2020

Which Roofing Materials Have the Best Reputation for Standing up to Wind Damage?

There are several answers here depending on how you interpret the question. Roof materials themselves are one thing, but installation type also plays a role. There’s also variation between manufacturers of roofing materials. Some roofers will swear by GAF asphalt shingles, while others will say Owens Corning or some other brand is better. Opinions […]
November 10, 2020

Finding Hidden Roof Damage After a Storm in Florida

When most people see the iconic pictures of hurricane damage in news stories, it’s pretty obvious something cataclysmic happened. There are lots of broken things strewn all over or there is water covering cars and rising into homes and businesses. The majority of hurricane storm damage isn’t like that. Those places are usually at […]
October 19, 2020

What Are Public Adjusters and When May I Need One